Tuesday, 3 April 2012

31. Assessment 2 -- Essay

University of Botswana
Department of Media Studies


This assessment is worth 60 percent of the total marks for this course. Write between 2,500 and 3,000 words.

DEADLINE: 16.00 Thurs 19 April 2012

Write an essay on ONE of the following.

1.      Why are people worried about bad behaviour in journalists? What can journalists do to show they can behave ethically? 

2.      Advertising is a service to the public and should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. What does ‘legal, decent, honest and truthful’ mean? Give examples of what advertisers should do to be ethical.

3.      What can public relations professionals do to convince the public that they work in an ethical way and are not just telling lies on behalf of the people who employ them?

The essay should:
1.      demonstrate understanding and application of key concepts/theory;
2.      show evidence of a reading/research around the set topic, and demonstrate critical understanding;
3.      demonstrate independence of thought and argument;
4.      be a well-structured answer focused on the question set, and identifying wider issues;
 5.      be comprehensible with correct writing style and English usage, with appropriate references.

Specifically, the essay should

Have introduction that sets out what the essay intends to show and how it will go about it.
Section on what the perceived problems are – why people might say that journalists / advertisers / PR are not behaving well. Give examples.

Section on what the media professionals are doing to show they can behave ethically. Codes of ethical conduct with examples.

Section with critical analysis of the role self-regulation plays – with examples.

Conclusion – summing up the essay and the points you have made.

Throughout cite academic references (books, journals etc.) to support your argument. Cite experts – not just any website.

Throughout correctly reference all sources of information used and give a full list of references (bibliography) at the end.

You should use academic texts for this essay. Please do not just search on Google and use websites that are not written by experts.

To find information for the essay use these search engines (use them in the order listed)

1.      UB Library (Go to UB homepage – then library catalogue – then fulltext journals online)
2.      Google Scholar – www.scholar.google.com

If you are still looking after visiting those websites try these:

1.      Scribd – www.scribd.com
2.      Wikibooks – www.wikibooks.org
3.      Findarticles – www.findarticles.com


Monday, 2 April 2012

30. Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa

University of Botswana
Department of Media Studies


The following information is taken from the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa website. You should go to http://www.asasa.org.za/    for more details.

The Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (also known as the ASA) is an independent body set up and paid for by the marketing communication industry to ensure that its system of self-regulation works in the public interest. The ASA has a president independent from the industry.

The members of the ASA are required to adhere to a code of conduct -- click here http://www.asasa.org.za/Default.aspx?mnu_id=11  The following organisations are members of the ASA:

Association for Communication and Advertising
Association for Savings & Investment South Africa
Association of South African Travel Agents
Cinemark (Pty) Ltd
Cosmetic Toiletry & Fragrance Association of South Africa
Direct Marketing Association of South Africa
Furniture Traders' Association of South Africa
Health Products Association of Southern Africa
Hospital Association of South Africa
Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol Use
Marketing Association of South Africa
National Association of Broadcasters of South Africa
Out of Home Media
Printing Industries Federation of South Africa
Print Media SA
Pet Food Industry Association of Southern Africa
Retail Motor Industry Organisation
South African Optometric Association
Self-Medication Manufacturers Association
Vacation Ownership Association of Southern Africa 

All advertising on electronic broadcast media is subject to the Electronics Communications Act (Act No 36 of 2005). In terms of this Act all electronic broadcasters must adhere to the ASA Code as determined and administered by the ASA. 

Complaints  -- More details here http://www.asasa.org.za/Default.aspx?mnu_id=43
Where can I complain?
Any person can lodge a complaint with the ASA regarding the content of an advertisement. The ASA will deal with complaints about advertising content but not with complaints about contractual matters or service standards.

When do I complain?
If a person believes that the content of an advertisement is untruthful, misleading or harmful in any way, a complaint may be lodged.

Are there any criteria for a complaint?
All complaints lodged with the ASA must meet the following criteria:
  • The complaint must be in writing.
  • The identity of the complainant(s) must be disclosed.
  • The contact details of the complainant(s) should be clearly stated.
  • The complainant(s) identity or passport number must be provided.
  • The grounds on which the complaint is based must be clearly stated.
  • Where the complaint relates to advertising on broadcast media (e.g. television, radio or on cinema) information should be furnished on where and when the advertisement was screened / transmitted.
  • Where signs, posters or any form of outdoor advertising is involved, the nature of the advertisement and the wording should be specified.
  • When the complaint is about print advertising, the relevant advertisement should be attached.
  • If possible, the contact name, address or telephone / fax number of the advertiser should be provided.

·         If the advertising breaks the rules of the Code of Advertising Practice, the advertiser will have to amend or withdraw the advertisement.
·         If there is no co-operation from the advertiser, an Ad-Alert will be issued.
·         Where necessary further action against the advertiser will be taken.

The website also has details of recent rulings on complaints – click here